Leading Greater Kuala Lumpur with vital sustainable development goals

27 July 2021

The buzz around corporate sustainable development goals (SDGs) has grown globally in leaps and bounds in the past decade. Many companies have realised that there is no experiencing economic gains without optimal planet health.

SDGs are a collection of 17 interlinked high-level global goals developed in 2015 by the United Nations General Assembly. They serve as blueprints guiding companies to strive for and achieve a sustainable future for everyone on the planet by 2030.

Many companies around the globe are openly working to address environmental, social and economic issues. Unsurprisingly, these companies are located in Greater Kuala Lumpur. Malaysia is not only one of the world’s thriving epicentres for sustainable business operations, but it is also Asia Pacific’s second-best country in sustainable reporting.

Below are local and international companies striving to attain sustainability in Greater Kuala Lumpur with their sustainability development-aligned visions and operations. They are grouped based on their industries and emerging sustainability-focused responsibilities.

Sustainable infrastructure

In essence, sustainable infrastructure is the foundation of a livable green economy as it harmonises the relationships between people and the planet. Malaysian construction behemoth Gamuda Berhad thoroughly understands this ethos; just a look at their sustainability agenda.

Gamuda plans to achieve sustainability through its applied areas of architecture and property development. The company favours and normalises the incorporation of green design principles such as solar energy utility and water-saving features. Gamuda’s nature-respecting practices put Malaysia on the global sustainability development map and enhance Greater Kuala Lumpur as a destination for sustainable foreign direct investments (FDI).

A big part of Kuala Lumpur’s green infrastructure aspirations involves the water cycle and water stress management. These are complex aspects to handle, but thankfully, local water operator Air Selangor is taking heed of this cornerstone. The company started embracing sustainability in 2019 and has never looked back since.

The five SGDs that Air Selangor are currently working on are clean water and sanitation; responsible consumption and production; decent work and economic growth; peace; justice; strong institutions; and climate action. To understand more about these goals in the context of the company’s nationwide operations, check out its sustainability agenda.

Responsible natural resource management

Honeywell is a multinational company specialising in tech-driven manufacturing solutions. Their solutions adhere to the company’s strict commitment to industrial sustainability, which indirectly enhances Greater Kuala Lumpur’s position as a sustainable FDI destination. Since its inception in 2017, Honeywell’s Malaysian division has been steadily providing productivity and safety solutions for Malaysia’s oil, gas, and petrochemical industries. Their services are vital, seeing that crude oil is one of the country’s most significant national resources.

Mindful accounting services

The multinational KPMG International fosters and provides a global network of professional service firms specialising in audit, tax, and advisory services. Their Malaysian premise has long been recognised as the pioneer of the country’s accounting firm service sector.

KPMG adheres to 10 principles of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) and aims to contribute progress in human rights, labour, the environment, anti-corruption, and zero hunger. As part of honouring its Global Goals, the company ensures that the 50+ member firms it oversees can also overcome environmental, social, and governance (ESC) challenges.

Education for nurturing future generations

SOLS 24/7 is a Malaysian non-profit organisation aiming to empower marginalised people and communities with education programmes in English. Their biggest SDGs are eradicating poverty and providing equitable quality education, which they actively work on by providing free classes, campaigns and programmes (such as their TVET Academy).

Not one to slow down, SOLS 24/7 is also committed to contributing its part to the global climate change movement. This ethos reasons their establishment of the Solar Academy, a two-year apprenticeship programme that prepares participants for careers in the solar industry.

British Council on the other hand is a multinational company with a major presence in various parts of the world, including Greater Kuala Lumpur. It aims to provide educational opportunities that foster cultural relations between people of the UK and other countries, including Malaysians. In general, British Council adheres to all 17 of the United Nation’s SDGs through their single aim to democratize education via the English language and its role as a lingua franca.

International School of Kuala Lumpur, (ISKL) promotes sustainability in education and sustainable learning through their practised concept of eco-school. Thanks to this concept, the institution is part of The Echo-Schools Programme enabled by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) in Malaysia. ISKL maintains a steady stream of sustainability-focused learning modules, activities, and events. These programmes are designed to empower young minds and create early awareness of energy consumption and resource waste.

Greater Kuala Lumpur thrives when companies take sustainability seriously

A circular economic model paves the way for a better tomorrow. The companies listed above prove that environmental consideration, coupled with tangible commitments to sustainable development goals, contribute to the global circular economy. In short, the future of Greater Kuala Lumpur has never looked greater.

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